Davini in USA = in english (15.2.03)
35 indirizzi dagli elenchi telefonici 1998, address from 1998 USA telephone database
56 indirizzi nel 2000, address in 2000 ( 16.11.2003)
1882 -2004 52 date di nascita e morte, Social security number = 52 date of born and dead,SSDI (20.6.2004)
1877 - 1915 ca 250 date di nascita, morte e cimitero (grave results) = about 250 dates of born, dead and cemetery (26/4/2024)
29 date varie (ancestry) = 29 different dates
24, 16, 4, 24 e 4 date di nascita e morte (obituary, worcester, obituary_utah, NOA, carbon ) = 24, 16, 4 and 24 born and dead date (20.1.02, 19.10.03,01.03.03, 13.09.03,2.6.03)
61date varie (genealogy.com) = 61 different data (19.1.2003)
dettagli= details (24.2.02)
proprietà non reclamate = unclaimed properties (19.2.02)
180 anni di nascita (intelius) = 180 birth year (13.09.03)
Chronicling America Library of Congress (13.04.2014)